A shocking video has recently surfaced on social media platforms showing two people disemboweling a corpse and cutting it in a gruesome manner


A shocking video has recently surfaced on social media platforms showing two people disemboweling a corpse and cutting it in a gruesome manner.

Tuesday, 7th May, 2024

A shocking video has recently surfaced on social media platforms showing two people disemboweling a corpse and cutting it in a gruesome manner.

The media of the Daglo terrorist militia and their cooperators have tried to pin the heinous crime on the armed forces and claimed that those who committed it belong to our forces. These desperate attempts will not work on our citizens who have met these claims with ridicule and lack of believe as they know their army which has throughout its history abided by the rules and norms of war and the rules of engagement, contrary to the Daglo militia which the world has witnessed its barbarism and violation of any rule, norm and human value which both civilians and military personnel were subjected to. These include the cold-blooded execution of prisoners of war, looting properties of civilians, arbitrary detention of people with no ties to the conflict, raping of women and minor, the burial of people while they’re still alive, and abusing corpses of martyrs. Darfur, Kordofan, Khartoum, Madani and villages in Al Gezira attest to their crimes that have not stopped up to this moment.

The armed forces would also like to stress that those who have appeared in the video have no ties to the patriotic battle of dignity, whether recruits or official forces, and are not wearing uniform affiliated to any of our forces, which confirms that this was a badly-directed act by the militia and its cooperators and is not the first since the start of the war that it started and which it had been preparing for for a long time.

Your armed forces would like to reaffirm its strict commitment and abiding by international humanitarian law and the rules of war as a national and professional army that does not allow itself to follow the practices and lies of the the Daglo militia and their cooperators.

Office of the spokesperson of the armed forces

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